This is a library of every article written by a FAANT doctor or staff in the last few years. The collection is quite extensive and there are some overlapping articles, but basically this is everything you ever wanted to know about your feet and ankles! Throw in some running and triathlon advice mixed in with all about shoes and socks; and you have a FAANT lasagna of articles. Enjoy!
PS. If you want more content, send us an email and we will blog or write about it.
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Tienes Dolor en Dedo Gordo del Pie?Dolor en el dedo gordo del pie puede ser causado por el artritis!
Uñas Encarnadas. Maneras Para Tratar y PrevenirQue se puede hacer para las uñas encarnadas
Causa del dolor del talón en jóvenesDolor del talón en jóvenes es la inflamación de la parte del crecimiento en el calcaneus (hueso del talón) causado por micro trauma.
No sufre con pies planos!Information para saber mas de las causas y tratamiento de los pies planos
Cause, Treatment, and Prevention of Toenail FungusComplete information on the causes, treatment options and prevention for toenail fungus.
Dedos Torcidos!Tienes los dedos de los pies torcidos? Puedo explicar porque los tienes asi!
Patient Guide to Portal
Patient Registration
Patient Authorized ConsentPatient Authorized Consent Form
Are You Suffering From Heel Pain?Using the most advanced research and latest technology to treat heel pain
Orthotic "Break-in" ProcessCustom functional foot orthotics take a few weeks to get used to and it can take up to two months to achieve maximum benefit. Here are some tips to help "break-in" your orthotics.
Diabetes and Your Feet: Routine Foot ChecksThe diagnosis of diabetes can be a daunting one, but your podiatrist can help you to live a long, happy and healthy life. What is a podiatric exam?