This blog is an up-to-the-minute guide on news relating to diagnosing, avoiding, and treating common foot and ankle ailments. The doctors at Foot and Ankle Associates of North Texas wants you to have the most accurate, up-to-date information regarding foot and ankle ailments. Think of us as part of your family giving you useful and accurate advice on how to deal with common foot and ankle problems. Want more content? Contact us and ask a question!
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We Really Do Have Bigger Feet!On average, our feet have grown in size at least two shoe sizes since the 1960's. This is causing many more foot problems due to shoes that are too small.
Four Easy Stretches for Foot PainIf your feet tired, sore, weak or unstable after a run or at the end of a day; these stretches are for you!
Uñas Encarnadas. Maneras Para Tratar y PrevenirQue se puede hacer para las uñas encarnadas
It’s That Time of the Year - Stress Fracture Time!Many people start ramping up their running this time of the year, as the weather gets nicer. What could possibly be bad about that? Stress fractures!
Have You Inherited Grandma's Bunions? Here is Some Help!Starting to notice Grandma's bunions are growing on your feet? Help is on the way. Let's discuss options for relief.
What To Do With Those Curly Baby ToesDiscussion of treatment for a toe that bends over or under another toe and is present from birth.
Steve Smith Tears Achilles Tendon Likely Ending His CareerDuring a game, Smith felt a pop in his Achilles tendon. This injury likely will end his career.
Causa del dolor del talón en jóvenesDolor del talón en jóvenes es la inflamación de la parte del crecimiento en el calcaneus (hueso del talón) causado por micro trauma.
Joints Feeling a Little Stiff in the Morning?Stiffness in your joints in the morning can be a sign of worsening arthritis to your joints. This blog discusses treatment options for arthritis of the foot.
What Can I Do for This Arthritis?Painful, arthritic joints can cause severe pain and decrease the quality of life.
Injury Prevention for RunnersFAANT pearls on how to avoid a major running injury!
Can My Foot Surgery Wait?How long can I wait before I need to have my foot surgically fixed? Discussion on when to proceed with foot surgery is discussed by diagnosis.