This is a library of every article written by a FAANT doctor or staff in the last few years. The collection is quite extensive and there are some overlapping articles, but basically this is everything you ever wanted to know about your feet and ankles! Throw in some running and triathlon advice mixed in with all about shoes and socks; and you have a FAANT lasagna of articles. Enjoy!
PS. If you want more content, send us an email and we will blog or write about it.
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Lapiplasty 3D Bunion Correction - Frequently Asked QuestionsWe know you may have question about the Lapiplasty procedure - here are a few FAQ's!
Lapiplasty 3D Bunion CorrectionAre you dealing with painful bunions? The future of bunion correction has arrived. Fix it right the first time with Lapiplasty® 3D Bunion Correction.
Is Bunion Surgery Worth ItBunion surgery has its share of myths. The majority of patients, having bunion surgery for the right reasons, end up with a positive outcome.
Stem cell research reaches your feet in a new product called AmnioMatrix.AmnioMatrix when placed in an adult to the site of an injury or chronic pain area, these cells recognize what is not normal and begin a healing process.
Bone Tumors of the HeelHeel pain can be caused by a bone tumor. These are not common, but an xray is always medically necessary in heel pain patients to rule out a tumor.
What to Expect After Bunion SurgeryNervous about Hallux valgus correction, also known as bunion surgery? Here is a realistic explanation of what to expect in the days and weeks after surgery.
Achilles Tendon RepairAnyone can all experience an Achilles tendon tear or rupture. This classic sign that the tendon is completely torn is a feeling of getting hit on the back of your leg.
Lateral Ankle StabilizationYou have had an unstable ankle for years, you roll, twist or sprain your ankle and you have been told that a lateral ankle stabilization procedure is your next step.
Post Operative InstructionsIt is important to follow post operative instructions after foot surgery. Here is a copy of our post surgery instructions for you to follow. Remember to read and follow all instructions to the tee to improve your surgical outcomes. Always contact the office with any questions before proceeding to change your weight-bearing status!
Am I Ready For Surgery Yet?Am I ready for surgery yet? Seems like such an easy question to answer. Actually, unless it is something obvious like shattering your ankle, it can be difficult!
I Have Neuroma...Do I Need Surgery?Neuromas can be very irritating and painful. A neuroma can prevent you from wanting to walk around and be active, and who wants that?
Post Operative InstructionsAfter a surgery can be quite a scary time. Things go on with your body that are not part of your normal life style and that would freak anyone out.